Muhammad was the founder of the religion of Islam and was born in the very early years of the 7th century CE. He was born in a city known as Mecca in the tribe of Quraysh roughly about 570 CE and received revelations from the angel Gabriel at the age of 40 to establish the Quran. He focused more on monotheism and social justice coupled with morality integrity against less of something thus the polytheistic practice in Arabia at that time.
Muhammad and his followers, in 622 CE, migrated from Mecca due to the persecution they were facing; it is named the Hijra. It has also been considered as the first day of the Islamic calendar. Muhammad had organized a Muslim society and a political authority in Medina; he entered into an accord with the rest of the tribes in the country and laid the basis for the Islamic state there.
Expansion and the Caliphate (632-750 CE)
Muhammad dies in 632 CE, and he appoints his first caliph as Abu Bakr. It is said that during the Rashidun Caliphate from 632-661 CE, things actually developed relatively quickly. Muslim troops conquered large tracts of land that included the areas both of the Byzantine and Sassanian empires. During that glorious period of conquest, even the Quran was compiled.
They established the Umayyad Caliphate that lasted for 661 to 750 CE with Damascus as…