Prophet Muhammad was born around 570 CE in Mecca. Muhammad is considered the final prophet of Islam and the life as well as the teachings of Muhammad have been claimed as a starting point of one of the world's most influential religions. Early Life:
He was true to his tribe Quraysh so got the epithet "Al-Amin" or "the trustworthy". Muhammad was orphaned at a tender age and brought up by his grandfather as well as his uncle. He traded in Syria and Yemen. He married Khadijah a rich widow, who gave him support in both emotional and materialistic terms. Revelation
Muhammad started getting messages from the angel Gabriel at an age of 40 years. He continued getting his messages for 23 consecutive years. All the messages culminated in the Quran, which is the sacred book of Islam. His teachings were focused towards monotheism and respect for justice with others and with high moral…